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New Original Artworks for NFTs

  ©All rights reserved. No copying, duplication and reproduction in any format of media without the authorization and permission of Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima and the International Digital Post Network Limited.  Non-fungible token (NFT) art refers to digital assets stored on a blockchain that represent content or even physical items. Art mediums that NFTs can represent include digital drawings, paintings, music, film, poetry, or books. NFT art allows artists to sell or rent their artwork beyond the physical world.  The most expensive NFT is ‘The Merge’ remains the most expensive NFT of all time. It was sold at $91.8 million during the month of December 2021. Why are NFTs so expensive? NFTs are non-fungible, meaning the owner is the only one who has ownership of the thing. These properties are distinctive and unique because they confirm the validity of a non-fungible asset. My NFTs minted on Algorand blockchain. They are available for art auctions, exhibitions and sales in Naira, US$,

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